import requests,json
import os
from datetime import datetime
user_api ='724168f118d817bf1e275a112c71eaaf'
location = input("Enter the city name: ")
complete_api_link = ""+location+"&appid="+user_api
api_link = requests.get(complete_api_link)
api_data = api_link.json()
#create variables to store and display data
temp_city = ((api_data['main']['temp']) - 273.15)
weather_desc = api_data['weather'][0]['description']
hmdt = api_data['main']['humidity']
wind_spd = api_data['wind']['speed']
date_time ="%d %b %Y | %I:%M:%S %p")
print ("-------------------------------------------------------------")
print ("Weather Stats for - {} || {}".format(location.upper(), date_time))
print ("-------------------------------------------------------------")
print ("Current temperature is : {:.2f} deg C".format(temp_city))
print ("Current weather desc :",weather_desc)
print ("Current Humidity :",hmdt, '%')
print ("Current wind speed :",wind_spd ,'kmph')