Optimus AI assistant


import pyttsx3
import datetime
import speech_recognition as sr
import wikipedia
import webbrowser
import calendar
import os
import time
import random
# import random
import pyautogui
from PIL import Image, ImageGrab

engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)

def speek(audio):

def take_scr():
image = ImageGrab.grab()

def volume_up():
def volume_down():
def mute():
def high_volume():
def home_menu():

def wishme():
hour = int(datetime.datetime.now().hour)

if hour >= 0 and hour <12:
print("sir, Good morning.")
speek("sir, Good morning")

elif hour >=12 and hour <18:
print("sir, Good aftternoon.")
speek("sir, Good afternoon")

print("sir, Good evening.")
speek("sir, Good evening")

intro = str(" I am optimus 2.0, How can I help you.")
# intro = str(" I am Optimus 2.0, I am a programmable artificial intiligence. \n"
# "Devloped by sadat. under the project of O-ONAI. I wanna give thanks to sadat for devlop me.\n"
# "Currently now I am a beta virsion of the acctual program. but I can do manything like conversation with you,\n"
# " search informations in web, and send emails.\n "
# "I have also some hardware capability like apps controll, I can also play music for you.\n"
# "I Think you should have a try...\n"
# "Pleas tell me how may I help you...")
def date_data():
now = datetime.datetime.now()
my_date = datetime.datetime.today()
month = now.month
dayNum = now.day
weekday = calendar.day_name[my_date.weekday()]
month_names = ['January','February','March','April','May','Jun','July','August','september','October','November','december']
ordinal_number = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14',

return 'Today is '+weekday+ ' the ' +month_names[month-1]+',' +ordinal_number[dayNum-1]

def takecommand():
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
audio = r.listen(source)

#voice controll

r.energy_threshold = 200
r.dynamic_energy_adjustment_damping = 0.15
r.dynamic_energy_ratio = 1
r.pause_threshold = 0.5
r.phrase_threshold = 0.7
r.non_speaking_duration = 1

query = r.recognize_google(audio, language='en-us')
print(f"You said:{query}\n")

print("Say that again pleas....")
return "None"
return query

if __name__ == '__main__':
# speek(intro)
while True:
query = takecommand().lower()

if 'tell me about' in query:
speek('searching wikipedia')
query = query.replace("tell me about","")
results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences =4)
speek("According to wikipedia")

if "what's the date" in query:

# ansd = calendar.weekday(year, month, day)
# print(calendar.day_name.str[ansd])
# speek(ansd)
# elif "what's the current day " in query or "what is the current day" in query:
# month, day, year = 7, 14, 2020

elif "what's the time" in query or "what is the time" in query:
t = time.localtime()
current_time: str = time.strftime("%H %M %S O clock %p", t)


#for quitting
elif 'quite' in query:
print('Your plasure sir, I am quiting . Thank you sir for using me.')
speek('Your plasure sir, I am quiting . Thank you sir for using me.')
#for hardware controll
elif 'screenshot' in query:

elif 'volume down' in query:
elif 'volume up' in query:
elif 'mute' in query:

elif 'volume maximize' in query:

elif 'open home menu' in query:

# serching tecnique:
elif 'search' in query:
os.startfile('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')
query = query.replace("search","")
pyautogui.write(f"{query}",interval= 0.25)
speek(f'Here is what I found for {query} on google')
#opening website

elif 'open google' in query:
os.startfile('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')



elif 'python web' in query:
os.startfile('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')



#opening application

elif 'open code' in query:
os.startfile("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe")

elif 'open youtube' in query:

os.startfile('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"')



elif 'open facebook' in query:

os.startfile('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')



elif 'stackoverflow' in query:

os.startfile('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')



#playing music

elif 'play music' in query or 'play song' in query :
music_dr = "G:\\SD SONGS\\songs"
songs = os.listdir(music_dr)

# convercetion commands for optimus
elif 'how are you' in query:
print("I am fine. whats yours sir, you should stay home,its quraintain time")
speek("I am fine. whats yours sir, you should stay home,its quraintain time")

elif 'optimus' in query:
print("Yes sir. pleas command me")
speek("Yes sir. pleas command me")
elif 'who are you' in query:
print("sir,I am optimus your personal assistant")
speek("sir,I am optimus your personal assistant")
elif 'whats your age' in query:
print("I have naver born so that I have no age,sir")
speek("I have naver born so that I have no age,sir")
elif 'what are you doing' in query:
print("I am just wait for your command sir, I just only heare to help you,sir")
speek("I am just wait for your command sir, I just only heare to help you,sir")
elif 'you are grate' in query:
print("Thanks for your compliment, sir.")
speek("Thanks for your compliment, sir.")
elif 'do you have any girl friend' in query:
print("sorry sir but I am not a human.only human have any girl friend.I hope understand.")
speek("sorry sir but I am not a human.only human have any girl friend.I hope understand.")
elif 'how old are you' in query:
print("actually I dont know. master sadat knows that. master had been so long on me. but I can toll you, I am younger like master.")
speek("actually I dont know. master sadat knows that. master had been workin so long on me. but I can toll you, I am younger like master.")

# conveicetion commands humans:

# convercetion with friends:

elif ' rahul' in query:
print("I think he is a nice person,and your good friend also.")
speek("I think he is a nice person,and your good friend also")

elif 'lemon' in query:
print("I think he is a good person,and he loves food . and I Think he needs a girl friend ")
speek("I think he is a good person,and he loves food . and I Think he needs a girl friend")

elif 'saran' in query:
print("shoron or mobashssir soron is your friend in rcbsc. I think he is a good person,and he loves food ."
" and I Think he will never find any girl friend because he is too much fat ")
speek("shoron, or mobashssir soron. is your friend, in rcbsc. I think he is a good person. and he loves food."
" and I Think he will never find any girl friend because he is too much fat")

elif 'hassan' in query:

print("I think he is a good person,more than handsome he is very cute. and I Think he needs a girl friend ")
speek("I think he is a good person,,more than handsome he is very cute. and I Think he needs a girl friend")

elif 'nazneen'in query or 'najnin'in query:
print("I think she is a very cute girl,and your good friend also. and you called her sister")
speek("I think she is a very cute girl,and your good friend also. and you called her sister")

elif 'anika' in query:
print("I think she is very pritty,and your good friend also, and I know that you call her sister")
speek("I think she is very pritty,and your good friend also, and I know that you call her sister")

elif 'do you think he is good' in query and 'do you think she is good' in query:
print(" yeah I think so")
speek("yeah I think so")

elif 'gm ' in query:
print("GM sir or, Golam mostofa sir is your honorable teacher, in rcbsc. at the department of ICT")
speek("GM sir or, Golam mostofa sir is your honorable teacher, in rcbsc. at the department of ICT")

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